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Detect Pregnancy

Did you know that even if your pregnancy test is positive, you might not actually be pregnant anymore? About 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and 80% of those happen in the first 12 weeks. You can get a free ultrasound to find out for sure if you’re still pregnant.

What Are the Risks?

Many women (about 90%) have side effects after taking the abortion pill. At NorthStar Women’s Center, you can get an ultrasound to make sure you’re still pregnant. A medical professional will also explain the side effects and give you information to help you make the best choice for yourself.

How Many Weeks Are You?

Clinical trials show that the abortion pill (RU-486 or Mifeprex + misoprostol) works 95% of the time if you’re up to 7 weeks pregnant, counting from the first day of your last period. The FDA says it can be used up to 10 weeks, but you might need an extra dose. Some women bleed too much or for a long time, which could mean the abortion wasn’t complete, and you might need a procedure to remove the pregnancy.

Also, sometimes women can still have bleeding, like a period, even if they’re pregnant. This could mean you’re farther along than you thought. A free ultrasound can tell you how far along you are, so you’ll know what options you have.

Protect Your Health

The FDA no longer requires you to see a doctor to get the abortion pill. But your health history is very important. There are some conditions (like having an IUD) that make the abortion pill unsafe for you. During a free evaluation appointment, you’ll be asked about your health, and a medical professional will answer any questions you have.

If you have an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that grows outside the uterus), the abortion pill won’t work, and you could be in danger. Get an ultrasound today to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy.

NorthStar Women’s Center – Empowering You to Choose with Confidence.

Let NorthStar Women’s Center be your trusted first step toward making the decision that’s right for you. Contact us now to schedule your free, confidential consultation.

"Not every path you choose leads to the destination you anticipated; sometimes,
the journey takes you to places you never imagined."