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Navigating the Unexpected Turns of Pregnancy with Confidence and Clarity!

Things don’t Always go as planned

You have options for your unexpected pregnancy.
Find out more about YOUR unique pregnancy to make the best decision.


You may be considering abortion. As with all medical procedures, there are physical and psychological risks and different and different types of abortion procedures. 

NorthStar gives you factual medical and educational information about what you can expect without pressure since all services are no cost to you, regardless of your decision.


Want more info???

"Not every path you choose leads to the destination you anticipated; sometimes, the journey takes you to places you never imagined."

Women facing an unexpected (or even expected) pregnancy can feel overwhelmed at the thought of parenting. Are you wondering, “Can I parent?” The answer is, “Yes, you can,” with work and support.

NorthStar will provide you with community resources to consider as you make your pregnancy decision. Building a support system may help make things clear.



Link to Parenting Resources

we are here for you!

Many women are sure that they are not ready to parent, but not sure about abortion. Adoption is an option that many do not understand. The birth mother is in the driver’s seat, choosing the adoptive parents and what level of involvement she will have in the child’s life.

NorthStar will answer your questions about adoption, give you a referral if you wish, and support you as you explore this option.

No one should face challenges alone. We are here to help you navigate through life’s tough decisions. The Choice is yours, the support is here.